User Review: Monica Richards - Natural Medium Blonde 7.0

Organic based Hair Dye That Works and Also Covers Greys
Monica Richards aka. Theecobabe once again tried our hair colour! Here are her thoughts on NATURIGIN and Natural Medium Blonde 7.0
Time to talk winter hair, yay! There’s two things I need to share with you: one is personal. One is factual. Both are shocking!!
- My roots are completely grey. And I’m only 36. Insert the bawling emoji face. My dad went totally grey in his early 30’s, so THANKS DAD. Because now my life fully consists of constantly trying to hide all this grey hair. Which means more trips to the salon and more chemicals on my scalp. And by the way, your scalp is still your skin. It unfortunately absorbs all those chemicals.
But I’ve found a solution. And it’s one you’ve seen on ecobabe before. It’s called NATURIGIN. And it’s been deemed the Most Natural Hair Color on the market. It’s also resorcinol free, which is my second point:
2. In scary news, I just found out about the toxic ingredient resorcinol, which is regulated by the United States’ Federal Government in the workplace, but not in the beauty industry! Surprise surprise…
Resorcinol is an inexpensive chemical used in permanent hair dyes to help bond the dye to the hair. But commonly, resorcinol is also the cause of people’s allergic reactions to hair dye. Due to its toxic classification, many countries (including Canada and Japan) have restricted its use in the cosmetics industry. But not the US.
So, finding a permanent hair dye with resorcinol alternatives is a hair hallelujah! NATURIGIN is also ammonia, SLS and paraben free. Ammonia is also a big toxic no-no, as you readily inhale it during hair dye application. Instead, Naturigin has developed a way to use MEA (monoethanolamine) which is derived from coconuts. It’s much gentler on your hair and it doesn’t get into your airways.
Last time you and I spoke about Naturigin, it was summertime and I tried (and loved) a really Light Ash Blonde shade — 8.1. So this time around, I went with a darker shade called Natural Medium Blonde— 7.0, to keep my root-ey winter vibe and to really test the grey coverage, since it’s much easier to camouflage grey in light blonde hair.
And you know what? It performed just as well!
Now, I brought my Naturigin box kit into my salon, so every step was carried out professionally, but these hair dyes are meant for at-home applications, too. There’s 19 natural hair colors, which are never tested on animals.
TIP — I have to warn you: they are very effective at LIFTING the color of your hair. Last summer while going light blonde, my hair stylist told me I could’ve went with one shade darker, since it lifted my color so much!
TIP — If you’re solely covering grays or roots like me, apply the dye SOLELY to your roots. If you’re changing your hair color all over, then apply this dye from roots to end.
I should also mention that the thing I love so much about Naturigin is each organic color includes essential oils and extracts to counterbalance any possible stripping to your hair. Isn’t that SO cool?
And oh my gosh, because Naturigin doesn’t include those nasty chemicals like other permanent hair dyes, the smell is very mild and…. Pleasant!!
So: Naturigin is a healthy, natural hair dye that’s permanent and covers up ALL your greys. But the list doesn’t stop there. The company itself has the most amazing sustainable initiatives, which you know we just HAVE to give accolades to:
The Naturigin factory and offices are wind powered
Naturigin uses as many recyclable and/or recycled materials as possible
The reduction in harmful chemicals is not only better for our health, but better for the Planet’s soil, water and air
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